I got this idea when I was strolling on Pinterest. I thought it would be a good idea to combine mime makeup and cool styling.
The concept is about a girl who just has a heartbreak. Her sadness will be portrayed with pantomime makeup. No matter how hard she tried to forget, only time can heal her.
Firstly, before we did the shoot, I was meeting with @emilylylylylyly the stylist somewhere in Waterloo area to talk about the concept. Then, she starts showing her portfolios by asking me to go to a news agency and grabbing some magazines on the shelves. I'm impressed because how in the world an expert stylist like her will take my invitation for an unpaid gig? I guess I'm lucky.
Secondly, this is my first time meeting with @anacostamua She is a Portuguese currently residing in Sydney. She has a great mind when it comes to makeup ideas. It was her idea to add on the makeup every time we change the looks. I'm glad I met Ana!
Lastly, we choose @sofofieo because I know she can understand fully this particular concept. Some info about her: has a dutch background, a pro figure skater and love animals.
Taken with Ilford Delta 400